Tag Archive | Amazon

the Cloud

Cloud and virtualization are two topics that are really exploding, they are really interesting both for developers and companies because they can make you build a solid and efficient infrastructure, that meets your needs and it’s more importantly cost effective because of the scalability of these two services.

I will go deeper in these the next time as I’m planning to do some four-hands posts. There’s a lot to say about it and I will try to focus on the economic and more “management side” of it, that few underlines, leaving the technical advices to my dear friend Mirko. By now I leave here a video as a brief introduction to the cloud, and a slideshare presentation made by Simone Brunozzi (AWS Technology Evangelist) for the more techies of you.

Architecting for the Cloud: demo and best practices, by Simone Brunozzi

Virtual Private Cloud by Amazon

It seems that cloud computing service is a trending topic of the last period between the most famous “internet” companies.

And probably this will regard consumer in the not so far future..

After Ubuntu and Apple (the ones I remember most) are going to develop their own cloud computing services here it comes Amazon, the world famous books and music online retailer.

More specifically Amazon is going to release to the public (to all users of its EC2 cloud-computing services) its Virtual Private Cloud as a beta. This release follows a limited test that began in August. Amazon says that the VPC is one of the most requested feature from enterprise customers.

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